Spirit - Digest


Please be at peace.  Great saints have begged to live in these times.  God chose you to walk through these special days.  You have been prepared from the moment of your birth for a purpose that only you can fill.  The path upon which you are embarking is blessed by God. 

Genesis 3:15, the "seed of the woman" is a Messianic prophecy which foretold the Messiah would be born of a virgin, since men are the ones who produce the seed. That was actually the first Messianic prophecy in all the Bible and can be taken literally.

"The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined."  Psalm 10:2

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." I Peter 3:10

"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth." Isaiah 2:19

"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"  Revelation 6:15-17

        June 23 - July 26, 2024








June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29
June 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6
July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13
July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20
July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 June 25 July 26  

Articles by Judy Gassett   Links on this page
June 23 What To Think About Those Rumors Of A New Offensive Against The Traditional Latin Mass

Texas Children’s Hospital shuts down transgender program after whistleblower revelations

Democrats Suddenly Change 70 Year-Old Election Law to Block Investigation of Election Fraud

5 Unbelievable (But True) Catholic Miracles Scientists Can't Explain

Five Powerful Marian Prayers
June 24

New Study Proves What a 'Regular Connection With God,' the Bible Can Truly Do in a Young Person's Life

Cussing Homeless Man Stops Pastor Mid-Sermon. Then Something Powerful Happens

What are the 4 Marian Dogmas?

Israel: ‘We are facing an apocalyptic war’ and says God is ‘shaking Israel’

Netanyahu repeats claim of weapons slowdown in Cabinet meeting - ‘there has been a dramatic decline’

How a Russian saint ‘flew’ on a ‘demon’

June 25

Nativity of Saint John the Baptist and Early Life of John the Baptist His priestly father was murdered and Elizabeth hid him in a cave. When she died, the angels cared for him

Exorcist Diary: Satan's Second Sin

Study Reveals 74% of Covid Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

June 26

Rome Blocks Ordinations Of Seminarians In French Community Offering Latin Mass

Bishop Schneider hopes Pope Francis won’t excommunicate Abp. Viganò: ‘It would be imprudent’

Italian priest and theologian: Pope Francis’ errors are causing ‘many invalid confessions’ 

US Surgeon General Murthy declares gun violence 'public health crisis' in America

June 27


MIRACLE! St. Michael statue on President Trump’s bedside table: Fr. Altman tells the story

The very short Book of Jonah: A whale of a story

“In the midst of war, the Antichrist will arrive and will provide food, medicine, and everything that humanity needs. He will perform miracles in My Name, and how many will follow him and forget about Me!  This is why I will send My Angel of Peace so that, being My reflection, he would begin to preach about My love for humanity, so that some would convert”. Message to Luz de Maria in November 2023

June 28

The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared Visibly In New York City: A huge dragon draped around the Empire State Building  as a promotional for a TV show. Giant banners that featured dragons with the ominous message: “all must choose” were draped over iconic landmarks all over the Big Apple. Prophesy again showing that people do and say things they do not recognize as having symbolic meaning until hindsight

Cervantes: Lamenting priests with allergy towards the Confession sacrament

A new Vatican document reveals the roadmap by which Francis intends to establish a new “synodal papacy,” which will preside over a new “synodal church.”  The new “working document,” called “The Bishop of Rome,” outlines a number of objections to Catholic doctrine and presents suggestions of how the exercise of the papal office can be transformed.  It is a 150-page compilation of theological errors and radical suggestions for reform. 

Supreme Court says city's homeless camping ban not 'cruel and unusual' punishment

June 29 This symbol is a hidden guarantee of Our Lady’s triumph over the enemies of Christ: The Blessed Mother standing on the crescent moon--Guadalupe

The US Special Forces has warned in an open letter that America faces a “gravely” serious threat of a terrorist attack inside the country because of the direct actions of the Biden administration

Powerful article about the plans of the power elites for their new world order,  excerpt: The old religions will have to go. Especially Christianity. Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily. Then a new religion can be accepted for use all over the world. It will incorporate something from the old ones to make it . . . easy for people to accept it, and feel at home in it . . .  In order to accomplish this, the Bible will be changed. It will be rewritten to fit the new religion. Gradually, key words will be replaced with new words having various shades of meaning. Thx FR   

Priest: Pope Francis causing ‘many schisms’ and ‘deeper wounds’ in the Church than any other Pope

How the Greek Alphabet Reveals Where Atlantis Really Was The Greeks, themselves had no knowledge of the fabulous city because a natural calamity (tsunami) destroyed their society and those few who could read and write.  This destroyed society was likely Minoans in Crete. Other accounts (not mentioned in the link) say that Minoans (in their art and pottery) were into all types of sex perversion especially homosexuality.  


June 30

Is There Any Purpose Behind The Beautifully Crafted Universe?

Texas Supreme Court sides with Christian judge who refuses to officiate gay weddings  The Supreme Court of Texas ruled Friday in favor of Dianne Hensley, a justice of the peace in Waco reprimanded for not performing same-sex weddings, reinstating her lawsuit against the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.

July 1 If we could save ourselves, why would God have even sent Jesus to die for us and then resurrect proving that death is destroyed?  We can't earn our way back to Heaven. Our good deeds will not save us

July 2

LifeSiteNews tells the truth about Pope Francis when few are willing to Bishop Strickland urges Catholics to oppose ‘blasphemies’ and corruption from Church hierarchy Bishop Strickland: Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christ’s Church

Bishop Strickland urges Catholics to oppose ‘blasphemies’ and corruption from Church hierarchy

Bishop Strickland: Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christ’s Church

The battle for the Latin Mass is a battle for the Catholic faith

July 3

St. Michael statue on President Trump’s bedside table: Fr. Altman tells the story

The Miraculous Timing of St. Michael Statue's Sacred Journey Getting to Trump

This faithful priest was canceled for preaching Church doctrine on salvation

Are we experiencing a once in a lifetime climate emergency? Not if these past weather events from long ago reveal 


July 4

Japan Approves Scientist's Plan to Create World's First Humanimals No wonder when the next mega EQ hits Japan it will break one of the isles in two!

Biden Admin Awards $176 Million to Moderna for ‘Pandemic Influenza Vaccine’ The Biden administration will pay $176 million to Moderna to create an “mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccine,” with health officials citing “lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.” This is a gene product not a vaccine.

To prevent seminarians from be influenced by Catholic websites, for the first year, no PCs and cell phone use limited to 4 hours on Saturdays

July 4th History: Catholic Patriots Were Unsung Heroes in American Revolution

Cardinal Müller: Vatican official prefers empty churches to cathedrals full of people who reject New Mass

July 5

Papal arch enemy Archbishop Vigano found guilty of schism and excommunicated The Mega Evil McCarrick was never excommunicated

Jesus Saves: Brazilian Priest's Crucifix Stops Bullet in Near-Fatal Carjacking

Who Is Sitting Next to You on the Bus?

Remarkable True Account of President Trump’s Strength in Meeting with Taliban Leaders Goes Viral President Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room.” During these negotiations, President Trump reportedly looked directly at the Taliban leader and warned him, “If you harm a hair on a single American, I’m gonna kill you.” He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a satellite image of the Taliban leader’s home, handed it to him, and left the room without another word.

July 6 Genetic engineering of livestock and crops will contaminate our food with novel genetic sequences which will have unknown consequences for health

Horrific Car Accident Leads to Angelic Encounter

Ex-Orphan Elephants Discover Tiny Baby Orphan and Lead Him to a Sanctuary for Safety
July 7

Poor Preaching Isn’t Only Due to the Preacher – A Homily For the 14th Sunday of the Year

Exorcist Diary #298: My Proof for God

New York Times says cannibalism ‘has a time and a place’ in new low for our cultural elites

Genetic engineering of livestock and crops will contaminate our food with novel genetic sequences which will have unknown consequences for health

Luxury car exec threw newborn baby from window to her death, feared motherhood would ruin career

‘God had a plan for my life:’ Abortion survivor shares powerful story in California beach city

The gift of tears

July 8

A Christian Creator God Is In All 50 US State Constitutions Every state constitution refers to God, as understood by the writers, as a Creator Christian God, not the impersonal gods of Hinduism or the deified Buddhist god. Furthermore, the Judeo-Christian Creator God, from whom comes our freedoms and rights, is written into all 50 state constitutions, directly or indirectly

Extreme Solar Blasts and Weak Magnetic Fields Threaten Life on Earth These phenomena, occurring roughly every thousand years, can significantly disrupt the Earth’s ozone layer, leading to severe consequences for all life on our planet

The Philadelphia radio host who said the White House provided questions in advance of her interview with Joe Biden has been fired 

3 Ways Radical Feminism Laid The Groundwork For Transgenderism

Extreme Solar Blasts and Weak Magnetic Fields Threaten Life on Earth These phenomena, occurring roughly every thousand years, can significantly disrupt the Earth’s ozone layer, leading to severe consequences for all life on our planet 

Hardened Hearts Block Blessings

July 9 St. Maria Goretti: A Model of Forgiveness

Chemo/ Surgery Were Not Options - That's When God Supernaturally Healed This Man of Inoperable Cancer

RNC Formally Adopts Trump’s 2024 Platform: Seal the Border, Demolish Radical Gender Ideology

Over 1,600 doctors and scientists call for ‘immediate suspension’ of COVID shots
July  10

How to Pray the Powerful Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus & Its Amazing Promises
Easy to learn and pray.

July 11 Chuck Colson's Journey to Finding Jesus Behind Bars, Told by Emily Colson

The Spirit Daily collection of miraculous photos

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduces articles of impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas

Outrageous confirmation and certain sign of a global spiritual crisis led by  Cardinal Gregory and other U.S. cardinals. Another dastardly sign of the most scandalous, destructive papacy in history Did you feed it Peter Pence?  

The fact is, President Biden’s age has shielded Democrats from a deeper reality: Their own dreadful performance and policies should be their greatest vulnerabilities, not Potus incompetence and age.

America’s New Catholic Priests: Young, Confident and Conservative

July 12 The Extraordinary Sacred Journey of Father Fullen

EXPOSED: Jaw-dropping financial and sexual corruption in the Church

Ottawa Hospital Staff Told Woman With Spina Bifida to Kill Herself Instead of Getting Treatment
July 13

Love is the measure of our ability to bear crosses.
 St. Teresa of Avila on the petition of the Lord’s Prayer: Thy will be done; as in Heaven, so on earth.

How St. Therese Lisieux Became a Spiritual Sister to Two Missionary Priests

Louis and Zélie — St. Thérèse’s Incomparable Parents and Church Builders


July 14

Hooked On Porn San Diego Computer Scientist Is Shown Hell, Then A Glorious Vision Of Heaven  Part 1    Part 2

Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers.

It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.

The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.

People are funny, they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church.

Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.

Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn’t belong.

The phrase that is guaranteed to wake up an audience: “And in conclusion.”

If the church wants a better preacher, it only needs to pray for the one it has.

God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?

To make a long story short, don’t tell it.

Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.

Don’t wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.


July 15

“Trump: It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable”

Catholic priest prayed for Trump’s safety at Pennsylvania rally moments before shooting The priest told CNA that the Trump campaign contacted him a few days ago and asked him to offer a benediction at the rally.

MIRACLE! St. Michael statue on President Trump’s bedside table: Fr. Altman tells the story

This Christian prophesized  grazing bullet to Trumps right ear (1 min mark of 3 min video

A Tale of Two Revolutions: American and French. Communism was born out of the French Revolution. Big thoughts in a short article. 

According to Marie-Julie Jahenny, the French Breton Stigmatic, the Bourbons were not killed off with Louis XVI.  A direct descendant survives today. Facing impossible odds he will save France, Spain and Italy and Drive Russia back to the Volga. He will be instrumental in cleansing the Church and enthroning a holy pope. This thought to be before the rule of the Anti-Christ.  He will not take on the Anti-Christ. That is reserved for Jesus Christ. Jahenny's prophetic record is 100% so far.

CNN Boss Makes Shocking Announcement = It’s a Massive Shake-Up for the Network The network is being forced to make drastic changes because they have burned so many bridges with its audience. CNN used to be the gold standard of American news. Today, it is a punch line. Americans call it the “Communist News Network” for a reason.

CNN correspondent scolds Trump over his first words said immediately after being shot 

The violent rhetoric of the left  Biden's unintended but unsavory prescience?  

Trump assassination attempt could force Biden to limit newly aggressive campaign


July 16

Biden defends saying 'time to put Trump in a bullseye' days before assassination attempt and gives bizarre explanation: 'I didn't say crosshairs'

This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life Whether you like President Trump or you don’t, I believe God Almighty had a hedge of protection around the man today. That’s pretty undeniable. Ever since he came down the escalator in June 2015 and declared his candidacy over nine years ago, there have been absolutely relentless, I believe demonic, barrages against this man.

Joe Biden In A Private Call On Monday To Donors Told Them “It’s Time To Put Trump In A Bullseye” 5 Days Before Assassination Attempt, Coincidence?

July 17

It WAS ‘Divine Intervention’ And The Prayers of Millions That Saved Donald Trump From Assassination

The first shot rang out at 6:11 p.m. Eastern time. And the verse that’s highlighted is Ephesians 6:11, which states: “Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil.”

Consensus agree: Trump saved by Divine Intervention While many questions have been raised and investigators are still looking for a motive for the assassination attempt targeting President Trump, many are suggesting that one factor is obvious: Trump was saved by divine intervention.

How the Brown Scapular leads to holiness

Secret Service director has ludicrous reason the shooter's roof was not secured. Took 26 min after police (not SS) told before police climbed latter and spotted killer

US Lawmaker Blasts UN Agency for Teaching Children to ‘Hate Jews’ US Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, blasted the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) for teaching Palestinian children to “hate Jews,” calling on his fellow lawmakers to support a bill which would claw back funds from the controversial relief organization. 

“This Is The Final Straw”: Musk Announces SpaceX Moving From CA To Texas After Newsom Passes Anti-Parent Gender Law  Elon Musk on Tuesday announced that SpaceX headquarters will be moving from California to Texas, after California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed a law which bans schools from notifying parents if their child identifies as transgender.  

Prof. William Happer: “More CO2 is good for the world” Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University William Happer discussed common misconceptions in climate science, especially the negative reputation given to CO2. More is better; it is not a pollutant!

July 18

Demons' Favorite Word: Perfect Embodiment of Rebellion

Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail

Consensus agree: Trump saved by Divine Intervention While many questions have been raised and investigators are still looking for a motive for the assassination attempt targeting President Trump, many are suggesting that one factor is obvious: Trump was saved by divine intervention.

The split-second movement that saved Trump's life: Animation reveals how close ex-president REALLY came to being killed

How the Brown Scapular leads to holiness


July 19

The Existence of Heresy Within the Catholic Church Today Short, Incisive, and Reassuring.

I desire mercy, not sacrifice The rabbis speak of the Law, sacrifice, and acts of love as pillars that bear the world. Jesus points out that loving mercy surpasses these.

7.4-magnitude earthquake strikes northern Chile Much bigger EQs are coming. Is this the prequel?

'I Was Dead Inside': Ex-Astrologer on Bold Mission to Slay Evil, Demonic Forces

Priest who gave benediction at Trump rally reveals additional  amazing details

July 20

‘Submit to Allah Infidels’: Deadly Islamic Threats Target Paris Church, Mary Knifed in Throat  Archbishop Lefebvre’s prophetic warning to the French to ask the government to stop Islam, based on his belief that the two religions could not coexist, resulted in persecution, yet his prescient message now resonates as a glaring reality in France today.

Vatican grants two-year extension for Latin Masses in Diocese of Arlington

Story of village elder raised from dead in Southeast Asia  recounted

Abandoned by the guards, He felt the miracle of God’s warm embrace in a frozen gulag


July 21

2021 Prophesy From St. Michael: “Children of Our King, pray: the great nation will call for the retirement of its ruler and will raise up a woman.

Later, after publishing above: Biden Drops Out of Race and Endorses Harris

Luz De Maria: Countries will be unexpectedly attacked from within, principally in Europe. This will happen at dawn; it will be like a swarm of bees attacking without warning. Various countries will be attacked in Europe [2]. In France, blood will run in the streets. Italy will be surprised by the arrival of troops from communist countries; there will be chaos. England will not be the same country that exhibits luxurious palaces. Luxury will disappear, and everything will be in ruins. Link.  In another message the attackers will be foreigners in France.

July 22

Trump Is Now Thought Certain To Win The Presidency: A Look At Kamala Harris' Rise  The Attempted Assassination Carried Him Forward As No Other Event Could

Italy Offers Women 1,000 Euros a Month if They Reject Abortion, Keep Their Baby

Two-Child Forced Abortion Policy May be Coming to India

July 23

Civil Anarchy, Riots, Severe Political Disturbances Is A Promised Chastisement But Can Be Mitigated With Prayer. Trump Will Need All Your Prayers For The Nation's Protection Coming From The Left Great destruction and civil discord will breakout in all nations. Mary has warned us numerous times.

Who Was the Real St. Mary Magdalene?

3 Honors given to St. Mary Magdalene, according to Aquinas My take: She was chosen to participate in a unique way in The Resurrection. She washes His feet with her tears and dries them with her hair, then anoints them with expensive spices. Foot washing was a common courtesy denied Christ by the host and performed by slaves. The anointing act infuriated Judas Iscariot who resolved to betray Christ even after being told the spices were for His burial.  She helped prepare the body for burial and and the first to returned on the first day of the week to complete the work. She then announced the empty tomb to the apostles and on her second visit to the sepulcher became the first to see the triumphant Savior in his glory, undoubtedly an indescribable payment for faithful, loving, conspicuous service rendered.

Miraculous healing in Jesus stuns Israelis  

July 24

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus  A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines. “We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote.

Experts say injection offers 100% protection against HIV is 'stunning'  

Does the Biblical Moses Appear in Greek Mythology?

How should faithful Catholic parents respond if their child comes out as homosexual?

June 25

Holy Images Over Icaria, Greece. Much More Distinct and Less Nebulous Than Others

‘Truly a Miracle’: Ohio Man Missing For Two Weeks (No Food Or Water) Found Alive After Search Team Member Prays

Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus  A study released today of excess mortality in 125 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic found the major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the COVID-19 vaccines. “We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon,” the authors of the study wrote. 

Japanese Biopsy Specialists Prove Covid Shots Cause Deadly Heart Failure


July 26

Prophecy: Statue of Liberty To Be Destroyed, Sink Into The Sea

Oncologist Studies 5,000 Cases of Near Death Experiences, Says They Prove Life After Death

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves that Keep us from God's Best

There are strings attached to the Vatican’s two-year extension for permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of Arlington in Virginia, with TLM parish churches required to offer the Novus Ordo in Latin once a month instead of the TLM. Parishes offering TLM are not permitted to advertise it. read full story

The Church Teaches that Luisa’s Doctrines are Free of Doctrinal Error Colorado bishop therefore errs in interrogating established doctrines and conveying doubts to others.  Such issues should be reviewed with expert theologians in the field.  Of course, that would take some humility.




















ARK of The Covenant Stories
Cutting A Covenant:  Looking More Closely 
Ritual performed on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in ancient Israel
Omens to the Jews: Divine displeasure With The Rituals of the Old Covenant After the Death of Jesus
Ark of the Covenant: The Most Important Archeological Find In History
  The Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat. The Throne of Judgment Turned Into A Seat of Mercy
Analysis of His Precious Blood showed Him to be extraordinary
World Net Daily interview with Ron Wyatt 5 days before he died
Collection of  wonderful You Tube videos on Spirit-Digest with Ron Wyatt discussing the Ark 

  The heavens declare God's glory but  so do the numbers and they can't lie! The astonishing pattern and prophecy of 153  by Judy Gassett
  Spiritual Patterns Found in Numbers Six and Thirteen  by Judy Gassett

Christ's Claim to David's Throne Required a Unique Combination of Circumstance Planned From The Beginning: These Circumstance Required a Virgin Birth!  By Judy Gassett

Incredible hidden Old Testament prophecy not understood and remaining indecipherable until 1948  By Judy Gassett

  Significance of the angels in rending the holy veil postscript to Holy Week 

The Menorah Design of the Coming Shemitah! Patterns Formed with Seven and Ten (and multiples there of) reveal the divine nature By Judy Gassett

On September 13, 2015 we start a new Jubilee year. The new Jubilee starts with a partial solar eclipse. It is of special note that this is 40th Jubilee Year since Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. It is also the 70th Jubilee year since the first one was proclaimed by God.

This is turns out to be a Menorah pattern like the many seen in the life of  Christ. The Savior is represented by  4th light  in a series of seven oil lamps on the ancient Menorah. The other lights were lit from the 4th light or the "servant lamp".  Judah is the 4th son of Jacob and Leah. Jesus is born of this tribe 4,000 years after Adam.  Christ says, "as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world".  The day he died, the light in the servant lamp, or the 4th oil lamp went out and has never been relit to this day. Now we have of the 70 Jubliees Jesus died in the MIDDDLE on the fortieth Jubilee.  (Note: a  jubliee is 7 X 7 years with the fiftieth year being the year after, called the double jubliee year)


  Recent college geology final project by Judy Gassett 18 slides. The assignment of the project was to apply geological concepts to natural real-world geological structures or events. I chose the "Red Sea" Crossing, which turns out was never the Red Sea. The geology explains why. www
  Study on Christ's Sufferings Linked to the Warning by Judy Gassett

Going Deeper: Fascinating Details Surrounding the Passion of The Lord by Judy Gassett